Our DUI Attorneys Stand by Your Side

Certain serious driving offenses carry specific punishments that can affect a driver’s life. At TicketWarrior our DUI attorneys are here to help you through the process after an arrest. If you find yourself in need of DUI defense, do not hesitate to turn to our experienced attorneys for guidance. We stand by your side throughout your case, and we are committed to fighting for your rights.


A DUI Defense for Your Case

If you have been arrested for DUI, alcohol, drugs, medication or a blood alcohol content of 0.08%, calling a qualified attorney as soon as possible is essential to protecting your rights. Our experienced legal team understands the right process to follow to defend you. With us on your side, you will have the representation you need to avoid losing your license.

Many people mistakenly believe that if their breath or blood tests show a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, they have no chance of beating their case in court. Without an experienced DUI attorney, you may miss out on hundreds of factual and legal defenses to the charge, or you may even give up the opportunity to reduce the charge from DUI to another less serious charge that will not ruin your driving record.

Call our DUI attorneys at (661) 322-5833; we stand by your side every step of the way.

Schedule a DUI Consultation

Each case is different. At TicketWarrior, we understand that situations can vary from person to person. We are available to meet with you to discuss the details of your charge.

Many drivers lose their driving privilege because the arresting officer or jail personnel misinform them. It is important to remember that the DMV makes no exceptions: you must request an Administrative Per Se hearing within 10 days of your arrest or you will lose your license for 4 months if you are a first offender, and for longer if you have DUI priors, even a “wet” reckless.


Our DUI Legal Services Protect You

If convicted of driving under the influence or driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08%, you face loss of present and future employment, as well as a 2-point conviction that remains on your driving record for at least 7 years and can be used to increase the penalties on your next conviction over a 10-year year period. DUIs and the 0.08% convictions are misdemeanors, which means you now have a criminal record and could face up to 6 months in jail for a first offense and even more jail time for future convictions.

What can you do after an arrest? Our traffic violation attorney is available to help you through the process. With our representation, your case will receive the attention it deserves.

Contact us at (661) 322-5833 to discuss your case.

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