
Your Driving Record Matters

We Represent Traffic Cases at Lake Courthouse

If you've received a traffic ticket in Lake, CA, the Lake County Courthouse will likely be your next destination. With Ticket Warrior’s support, you can challenge your ticket and strive to protect your driving record and privileges. Our experienced lawyers have a proven track record of defending drivers throughout California, and we’re prepared to advocate for you.

Important Lake Courthouse Information

Location for the Lake Courthouse: 

255 North Forbes Street
4th Floor, Room 417
Lakeport, CA 95453
(707) 263-2374

For further assistance, click here to go to the court website.

Let Ticket Warrior Defend Your Driving Rights!

With extensive experience in contesting traffic charges, Ticket Warrior has consistently delivered successful outcomes. We know exactly how to provide the best assistance for your case and will customize our approach to meet your unique needs.

Ticket Warrior can assist you with the following matters:

Call (661) 322-5833 for Lake Traffic Ticket Lawyers Today!

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